Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Lemme See Your Grill!

   What awesome weather we are having!  I don't remember it ever being so nice so early on in the year.  Because of this, the hubs and I have been grilling quite a bit.  Yesterday it was raining all day but we reasoned that a covered porch and a grill with a lid would not keep us down.  I checked out some low carb recipes and we went to work.  The menu: grilled chicken bruschetta, mashed cauliflower with Dubliner cheese, and grilled asparagus!!  I have to admit that I have tried mashed cauliflower before and hated it, but there is something about the cheese that I used this time.  I found the Dubliner cheese near the specialty cheese at Price Chopper, so I figure it shouldn't be too hard for you to find either. Yum!

The chicken recipe came from this blog:

The mashed cauliflower came from another website :

And finally, we just covered the asparagus with a little bit of olive oil and some salt and pepper, then grilled it until we saw some good grill marks. To die for!  Look at our chicken result!  Happy grilling!

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